“Twogether” (Monica 4-Plex) is a terrific love story, one of those independently made intimate movies that comes out of nowhere to captivate you with its passion and integrity. Unlike most Hollywood romances, “Twogether’s” tempestuous story is firmly rooted in the real world and involves people who have a capacity to think as well as feel. Writer-director Andrew Chiaramonte, who spent nine years getting this film off the ground, has cast two talented, spectacular-looking actors, Nick Cassavetes and Brenda Bakke, and then given them roles of uncommon substance and dimension..." (read more)
Don’t miss this startlingly honest look at a relationship and what it takes to keep a couple in love and “Twogether”!!
"I was only planning on seeing 30 minutes of this movie. The fact that I saw the whole thing, and that I was hooked by the last 30 minutes, says something. There is some great stuff in this film. Nick is great– just the fact that he was very charming and an asshole at the same time, says something about his range as an actor. Brenda is the American Lena Olin. They were both very real. Let me tell you, I lived in LA and this film is the most honest film about LA that I have ever seen. The movie is in the John Cassavetes tradition. The sex scenes really sizzle."
"The performances were good, and the writing is excellent… very true to life. The director is saying things about modern romance that is not generally said..."
"People will identify with the film."
"I admire directors who are not afraid to tackle certain subjects. For example, the live birth. The dream sequences were very good."
"I loved it! Very well done. I thought it was real. It was interesting. I thought it moved. It didn’t drag. It was realistic. I thoroughly enjoyed the film."
"I liked it. I really did. It was very interesting. It was very realistic and very down to earth. The film captured a true aspect of life."
"The performances were good. I found some of the things it had to say about the human condition quite moving."
"I liked it… thought Nick and Brenda’s performances were very good."
"Brenda Bakke is really a find."
"Brenda Bakke is terrific. She has quite a career ahead of her."
"Brenda Bakke is a cross between Faye Dunaway and Sharon Stone."
"Brenda Bakke was great."
"When have you ever seen a film where the woman talks about not coming. In that particular scene, I liked the fact that the man didn’t try to penetrate her, but instead tried oral sex instead."
"I thought the cinematography was great, as was Cassavetes."
"The performances were very wonderful. Nick cassavetes reminds me of Sam Shepard. Brenda Blake is wonderful."