Destruction of the International Harvester Scout
John Madler’s (Nick Cassavetes) beloved old green International Harvester Scout, a recurring character in Twogether (paralleling his connection with his art, the beach and his insistent need to escape the realities of today’s world) is literally destroyed on screen, crushed into an unrecognizable box of metal debris, prior to his running off to Tahiti. This vehicle, because of its limited availability, has become somewhat of a collector’s car in recent years.
Princess Leia’s BMW
Allison McKenzie’s (Brenda Bakke) BMW was lent to the production by Carrie Fisher (Star Wars) at the request of her brother Todd Fisher who was the film’s co-producer.
Debbie Reynolds Swings By
While shooting sex scenes at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas as part of John and Allison’s ‘lost weekend’ of debauchery, Debbie Reynolds (Singin’ In The Rain, etc.) stopped by to say hello to her co-producer son Todd. She seemed to enjoy her brief visit.